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Ana Carrasco

PhD Student @ Instituto Superior Técnico

Researcher @ GAIPS, INESC-ID

Currently working with Astro Bot on how trust plays a part in human-agent collaboration scenarios.

So Far, I...




Finished my MsC in Eletrical and Computer Engineering, majoring in Control and Robotics. 

Worked shortly as a junior software engineer at Chilltime.

Started working as a junior researcher at GAIPS in the field of Social Robotics and Human-Robot Interaction.

Presented my first paper about my early work on Trust in the context of human-agent teams.

Presented my MsC thesis work on reinforcement learning applied in autonomous vehicle's control.

Did an internship at National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, working in the field of Semantic Web.

Officially started my PhD in Computer Science, focusing my work in Trustworthy AI in Ad Hoc Teamwork environments.

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